Soggy drive home…

Yesterday’s images come from my drive home from work.  The rain slowed it up a bit, but it was nothing to worry about.  The secret to LA traffic is to make your time in the car productive.  I’ve thought about lifting weights, teaching myself how to cut sushi, or maybe giving myself some face tattoos.  None of these panned out, so I’ve taken to listening to some audio books.  It won’t work for every type of book or every type of person, but if you find something that holds your interest, it can be a great way to pass the time.

In summary, we’ve got the road, the ride, the rain, the Richard, and the Rand (The Fountainhead, read it)…

I intend to post an image from these as part of the Image of the Day Project HERE

More wandering…

This post has images from Hermosa Beach, Agoura Hills, Las Vegas, and all points between.  Their common thread is that I took them recently, which is pretty awesome, isn’t it?  Also common amongst them is that they seem to be lacking in people.  There was no conscious effort to avoid people in the images, but I often find myself looking for compositions that can exclude people.  Things end up a little more graphic that way.  Oh hey, I just noticed that there is some form of water in a bunch of these too.  I like what the rain does to the planet photographically.  Over half were taken from the car too…  I guess maybe they do have a little more in common than I thought…

Anyway, check out the images.  Click on the thumbnails below to see the larger versions.  You can navigate through the larger images as well.  If you want to see which ones I picked for the Image of the Day Project, please click HERE…  I’ll have them up soon.

Thanks for looking!

February 15th, 2011 – Image of the Day candidates…

Welp, apparently just claiming you never get sick only works most of the time.  I’ve been fortunate enough to be relatively healthy in recent history, but this week doesn’t appear to follow that trend.  Whilst attempting to prepare myself for work this morning, my daily 100 point inspection revealed I was in no condition to work.  Today’s photos were taken in my 3 block stroll to gather some grub.  Wet and rainy is probably the best way to have a sick day, and the PTB (a.k.a. Powers That Be) were happy to oblige.

I will soon be selecting an Image of the Day for the Project (viewable HERE…)

How do you think?