The Zeppelins are back!

Nary a boring day in Hermosa Beach.

On Sunday I was working on a photo class assignment that resembles a scavanger hunt, which meant I was outside wandering around with my camera.  An example of one aspect of my mission was to capture a scene with three pastel colors on three-dimensional objects with no black or white in the frame.  To imagine how difficult this is, take a look around you quickly.  Assume you wanted a 4’x6′ frame to be filled with an image.  How many places can you see with no black or white within this area?  Not many.  This was one of seven shots where the instructions were this specific.  While I understand there is a purpose to the assignment, I still reserve the right to be frustrated when wandering the streets for hours looking for these Holy Grails…

Wandering around with my brain in “Pastel” mode, I was nearly knocked over by a man running past me not looking where he was going.  He was staring over his shoulder into the sky behind him, as if he were about to be attacked by birds or air sharks or something awesome like that.  Just as I’m hoping this moron decapitates himself on a volleyball net, a giant silver flash comes into my field of vision…  The man catches a 15 foot silver bullet as it falls out of the sky.

“Pastels, pastels, pastels, pastels, HEY watch out!  WHAT THE FU<K?!”  Says the hyper-eloquent Matt in his head…  These things are instinctual, probably picked up in my past life as a Duke of Somewhere-landia…

Turns out, he’s got a massive tubular balloon that he can punch into the air and send it sailing 60+ feet up.  It’s pretty cool to watch him play with it, but most of the entertainment comes from watching him chase it as it drifts back towards terra firma.  Knocking over children on bicycles (don’t worry, that’s why they wear helmets these days), crashing into patio bar areas, and even bouncing off the top of a police SUV; this shiny inflatable contraption rained down terror from the sky.  It was awesome.  Keep your eyes open for this device to be used as the next cutting edge weapon in urban warfare…  And hope you never have to see it!

Check my Image of the Day Project HERE to see which images from the collection below will make it into the project…  They’ll be up shortly… 

P.S. The flower images were from outside of my office on Monday.